Updated September 2023
Simply can’t wait for that imminent new arrival? Already imagine you can hear the patter of tiny feet? Are you so excited that you feel you need to celebrate right now? Whether it’s a dear friend, a much-loved relative, or even your own baby that’s due, now’s the time to enjoy the great American tradition of “the baby shower.”
The modern-day baby shower first became popularized in the US after the war, in the ‘baby boom’ decade of the 1950s, and it’s a custom that’s been embraced ever since. The purpose of the baby shower was (and remains) to literally “shower a mother-to-be with gifts.” However, these were originally practical, given the myriad of items and accessories needed before embarking on a new life caring for an infant.
These days, baby showers are becoming increasingly lavish events, and baby shower gifts are certainly no longer limited to diapers and mobiles for the crib. From Gucci baby changing bags to sterling silver baby rattles fashioned by iconic New York jewelers Tiffany & Co., there seems to be no upper limit when it comes to extravagant baby shower gifts.
However, as the lucky person tasked with organizing a baby shower (a job customarily allotted to a best friend, auntie, or cousin), you might want to consider sourcing more thoughtful and personalized baby shower gifts — not to mention something that comes in well under the thousand-dollar mark!
Get the Gifting Wrapped up Early

Begin organizing a baby shower the right way by finding the ideal baby shower gift. After all, aside from the food, fun, and games, that’s what lies at the heart of the baby shower tradition. And no mom-in-waiting will appreciate any gift more than one that so obviously comes straight from the heart.
A piece of personalized artwork specially designed to celebrate your little one is a heartwarming present bound to please and will most likely find pride of place on the wall of a new nursery.
How about a unique and delightful piece of baby’s heartbeat soundwave art forever capturing the incredible sound of an unborn child growing in the womb? It is a beautiful way of illustrating a moment in time and making a memory that will be treasured forever.
Alternatively, if you’ve got a good idea of the new arrival’s due date, how about a handsome zodiac wall art poster depicting the baby’s astrological star sign and describing the new personality the parents can expect to welcome?
It’s always a sound strategy to avoid distraction by knowing you’ve got great gifts wrapped up early. Now it’s time to start planning and preparing an equally perfect baby shower celebration.

Start with the Logistics
There are a few things to consider when planning a baby shower. The first step — decide who will host it and where. Sometimes, the mother-to-be will host the shower, but a friend or family member can also host it.
Once the host is chosen, they need to decide on a date, time, and location for the shower. If you’re on a budget, hosting the shower at someone’s home is perfectly acceptable. It adds a layer of personalization and coziness to the occasion. Or, if you have more money to spend, consider renting a small event center or restaurant party room.
Design and Send Invitations
The next step is to send out invitations. It’s best to send them out about four weeks before the shower so guests have enough time to RSVP.
When choosing an invitation, consider the theme of the baby shower. You can buy pre-made baby shower-themed invitations and fill them out by hand. Or you can custom print invitations to match a specific theme.
Popular themes for baby showers in recent years have included “nautical baby showers” with sailor stripes and sailing boats, “animal baby showers” featuring tropical jungle foliage and safari fun, and “book-themed baby showers” showcasing favorite picture books and characters from children’s classics.
Prep the Food
Talk to the mama-to-be to discover her favorite foods and what the baby has been craving. Light foods like fruits, finger sandwiches, crackers, and cakes are standard options.
Also, you’ll need to bring all the accessories to go with your spread. Plates, cups, spoons, serving utensils, napkins — having everything you need on hand makes your shower flow seamlessly.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to styling a shower, but we’ve gathered a few of our favorite ideas to get you started.
One popular trend is using soft and pastel colors to create a dreamy atmosphere. Pale pink, powder blue, and light yellow can all be used in various combinations to achieve this look. Add pops of color with accessories, such as flowers, balloons, or streamers, or by incorporating cheerful patterns into your decorations.
Another option is to go with a more modern vibe by using bright colors and bold prints. This can be a great choice if the mom-to-be doesn’t plan for their baby to fit into traditional gender stereotypes.
Add decor to the shower entryway, the food and gift tables, and the common areas where attendees will gather.
Plan Some Games
There are an endless number of baby shower games to play. Spread the laughter and make memories with a few of these tried-and-true games:
Dough Baby: This game is best for a more casual baby shower. Guests compete to see who can create the cutest (or funniest, most realistic, etc.) baby out of colored play dough. It’s a great chance to get creative and engage the senses.
Guess the Gender: This game is perfect for guests who ask lots of questions — they’ll get all their answers, and then some! Guests take turns guessing the baby’s gender and other questions (such as nursery colors and themes, food cravings, etc.) and earn points for each correct guess. The person with the most points at the end of the game wins a prize!
Diaper Derby: This race is always a hit with guests of all ages. Have guests race to put on a diaper on a baby doll as quickly as possible — bonus points if they can do it using one hand only!

Hand Out Shower Favors
When throwing a baby shower, one of the details often overlooked is what kind of favors to give guests. Though it may seem like a small gesture, party favors are a nice way to thank guests for coming and to send them off with a little memento from the day. If you’re stuck on ideas for what kinds of favors to give out, here are a few suggestions:
- Personalized candles or soap — A simple and elegant favor, personalized candles or soap can be customized with the name and date of the baby shower.
- Magnets or keychains — These are perfect for guests who want something small and practical that they can use every day.
- Customized cookies or candies — These make sweet and tasty party favors that guests will love. Use attractive gift boxes or bags for candy and other small items for a more elegant look and feel.
Start Planning the Perfect Baby Shower!
Planning a baby shower can be such a rewarding experience — for mom, baby, and all of their loved ones. Use this time to capture all the sweet gestures of love leading up to baby’s big arrival!
For ideas of what to buy the proud parents once the baby arrives, check out our guide to Sentimental Gifts for New Parents.