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Born on a Full Moon: What Does It Mean?

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People who were born on a full moon are more likely to turn into werewolves, right? Just kidding of course, but the full moon does have an effect on personalities and energies. We may feel a heightened sense of energy or vibrancy on the night of a full moon. Police have said there’s a different vibe in the air when the moon peaks. Doctors and nurses say that hospitals fill up faster and more babies are delivered on a full moon compared to any other time. There must be something to it!

Here’s the truth: if you were born on a full moon, you may find that certain personality traits and tendencies are no coincidence. Just like your zodiac sign, the moon phase can have a lot to do with your life’s journey. Here’s what you need to know about being born on a full moon and how to channel this unique circumstance to your advantage.

Full Moon Means High Energy

Let’s state the obvious: full moon is the peak energy phase of the moon cycle, so it’s no surprise that being born on a full moon also harnesses this energy. This is the time when full moon rituals are in full swing: crystals are being charged and cleansed, desires are being manifested, and creative breakthroughs abound.

This is all because of the stronger gravitational pull of the earth on the moon. Plans are coming to fruition and are in full abundance. Knowing this, it’s hardly shocking that people born on a full moon share these feelings of being energized and inspired.

what does being born on a full moon mean
Full moon is the peak energy phase of the moon cycle, so it’s no surprise that being born on a full moon also harnesses this energy.

Personality Traits for Full Moon Birthdays

Full moon children often experience limitless contradictions, especially during the quarter moon phases where the moon is equally light and dark. Life is a delicate balancing act to maintain equilibrium between emotion and logic.

However, this type of personality also comes with a number of advantages:

All the Good Things

Because of your high energy potential, you have so much power to carry you toward your greatest ambitions. No idea seems too unconventional or off-limits, so allow yourself to give into your wildest dreams because you have the best shot of making them a reality.

The key is learning how to channel this energy. The constant battle between mind and heart can be burdensome, but it can also be the catalyst you need to stop spinning your wheels and move forward with a goal.

Many people are drawn to full moon children because of their vibrance and powerful presence. You bring light to their lives and they feel energized when they’re around you. You’re confident, active, and are often considered the life of the party, all of which make others gravitate toward you.

If you’re more of an introvert, a vibrant exterior is replaced by a subtle inner glow. People are still drawn to you but in a less obtrusive way. The way you carry yourself makes people want to be around you, even if it’s not obvious.

Full moon children are natural leaders and should take care to harness their energy in the right way. During waning phases, you may find your energy levels also wane. This is a great time to pause and reflect, as well as plan your next move. If you are constantly meeting failures during this phase, take it as a sign to pull back and refocus. Take a vacation or put projects on hold until the new moon brings you clarity. During the waxing phase, you’ll start to feel more alive and alert, which is the ideal time to start a new project.

These struggles often manifest throughout your life’s journey and may make you feel conflicted when choosing between what your heart and mind are telling you. As a result, you may also come off as indecisive because you have so many different thoughts and priorities pulling you in different directions. Decisions are not easy, sometimes to the point where you decide not to decide at all!
Full moon children are natural leaders and should take care to harness their energy in the right way.

All the Hard Truths

Energy can be one of our greatest assets, but it can also be difficult to control. This is especially true for full moon babies: during a full moon, the sun is located directly opposite of the moon. The two are at conflict, which means that the sun (which controls your mind and logic) and the moon (which influences your heart and emotions) are at war from the moment you’re born.

These struggles often manifest throughout your life’s journey and may make you feel conflicted when choosing between what your heart and mind are telling you. As a result, you may also come off as indecisive because you have so many different thoughts and priorities pulling you in different directions. Decisions are not easy, sometimes to the point where you decide not to decide at all!

How Do I Find Out if I Was Born on a Full Moon?

Were you one of the many to be born on a full moon? Use our moon phase birthday poster creator to input your birthday and see what the moon looked like on the night you were born.

 Then, personalize your moon phase print to create a treasured keepsake as special and unique as you are!

babies born on full moon
Energy can be one of our greatest assets, but it can also be difficult to control.
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Born on a Waxing Moon: What Does It Mean?

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Between the new moon and the full moon is the waxing moon phase. Every night after the new moon, the beautiful glowing orb in the sky glows a little more than the night before. If you were born on a waxing moon, you should know that it’s influenced some of your personality traits and tendencies. Here’s a closer look at what it means to be born on a waxing moon:

The Many Phases of a Waxing Moon

Once the new moon phase is gone, the waxing moon begins. This period spans three distinct phases: the waxing crescent moon, the first quarter moon, and the waxing gibbous moon. 

The waxing crescent moon is but a sliver of illumination. It might strike you as a smile in the sky, depending on the angle of the moon. Within days, the crescent moon gives way into the first quarter moon, which is also referred to as a half moon. Half of the visible moon’s face is lit, but in reality it’s just a quarter since the entire other side of the moon remains dark. Finally, the gibbous moon continues to fill and grow just prior to the full moon. It’s nearing its full potential but doesn’t quite completely fill the perfectly round shape of the moon.

Each of these waxing moon phases has been attributed as having different impacts on personality and behaviors, both for people born during this phase and for all living individuals as the moon nears its peak. For now, let’s focus on what to expect when you’re born during a waxing moon.

What it Means if You’re Born on a Waxing Moon Phase

Waxing Moon Poster
Babies born on the waxing crescent moon are curious spirits that have a thirst for adventure.

The waxing moon is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and growth after a new moon. It’s no surprise that the personalities of people born during this time often reflect the same sentiments. 

Positive Personality Traits

Babies born on the waxing crescent moon are curious spirits that have a thirst for adventure. They want to learn and explore new things, and given this is the first phase of growth in the moon cycle, it’s common for individuals to have a growth mindset in life, too.

When the first quarter moon appears, you’re under a harmonious balance of light and dark. This balance can work in your favor in terms of growth, but it can also hold you back. For example, you might have all the tools and knowledge you need to move forward with your life goals, but might also need some extra motivation and encouragement from family or friends. The good news: you love a challenge and have accepted early on in life that you are the main character in your story. You thrive on achievements and have a tendency to get things done. Many people turn to you for help in this regard because of your proactive nature and ability to solve problems.

Last but not least, waxing gibbous birthdays are just shy of the full moon and its peak energy. You’re likely a nurturing, caring person that naturally guides others. Leadership is in your DNA and you push yourself and others to go after goals and make life what you want it to be.

Tendencies to Beware

For waxing crescent moon individuals, remember the energy levels are still low coming out of a new moon phase. Though you may be curious and adventurous, you also remain conservative when it comes to taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. You have a desire to grow, but often need to be pushed in that direction due to a lower energy and a penchant for security. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and try new things. 

For quarter moon babies, remember that the balance of light and dark also lives within you. Though you may be fully capable of achieving your innermost desires, you must also contend with the fact that you could be holding yourself back. You could end up turning molehills into mountains or letting a lack of patience create friction that could have been avoided.

For waxing gibbous birthdays, perfectionism can be toxic. You’re aware of your potential and strive to be the best version of yourself in everything you do. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing until it turns into an uncontrollable obsession. Recognize that things will never be truly perfect, and learn to be okay with this.

Find Out if You’re Born on a Waxing Moon

Could you have been born on a waxing moon phase? We’ve made it easy for you to find out!

Use our simple moon tool to calculate your birthday moon phase based on a date and location. Just input your details and watch your moon date poster come to life in a personalized print!

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Born on a Waning Moon: What Does It Mean?

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After the full moon shines its brightest, fullest light over the earth, it starts to fade to black so it can begin anew. This period is called the waning phase, which culminates in a dark new moon. For babies born on a waning moon phase, the moon could offer insights into certain personality traits and tendencies.

Even if you’re not an avid follower of astrology, you’ve probably noticed how a full moon can impact people’s behaviors. This is the time when energies peak, so erratic behavior, new births, and big decisions tend to ensue. What you might not realize is that other phases of the moon can impact behaviors, too, both when you’re born and throughout your life. 

Here’s what it could mean if you were born on a waning moon phase and how it impacts your personality:

Exploring the Waning Moon Phases

Once the moon reaches its fullest, it undergoes three distinct waning moon phases before reaching the new moon. These are the waning gibbous phase, the last quarter moon, and the waning crescent phase. 

Each of these phases is believed to have a different impact on babies born during those phases. Collectively, though, the waning phases represent a period of reflection. Light is fading and energies are reducing, but this doesn’t necessarily reflect a decline. Rather, this is a time of learning, teaching, and planning that will give life to future ideas.  

Personality Traits of Those Born on a Waning Moon

Waning Moon Poster hanging next to window in bright apartment.
Watch as your personalized moon print is created right before your eyes!

Old souls. Wise beyond their years. Deep thinkers, teachers, dreamers, and lovers of all things nostalgia. These are the hallmark traits of someone born on a waning moon. In addition, they also tend to share the following characteristics:

Perks of Being a Waning Moon Baby

The first stage after a full moon is the waning gibbous moon. During this stage, the moon is still mostly lit but is starting to shrink. Babies born under this moon phase are often intellectually sophisticated and tend to learn quickly from their experiences. This is why they seem so full of knowledge and wisdom, even at a young age. These characteristics also make them excellent teachers and communicators.

The wanting quarter moon is filled with a sense of nostalgia. You cherish the past and recognize how your experiences have impacted your life. You find yourself combing through fond memories and organizing pictures. A song or smell can trigger vivid memories in you more so than the average person.

If you’re born during the waning crescent phase, you may often be considered full of wisdom that seems to transcend the physical world. You may feel as though you have an inner third eye and are deeply intuitive. This isn’t by mistake. The energy of a nearly completed moon cycle and the “old age” of the moon allows you to be more in touch with your spiritual side than most individuals. You may be more likely to have visions or be in touch with angels, or at the very least, have a stronger ability to tap into your creative side.

The Potential Downsides of a Waning Moon Birthday

Just as waning moon phases carry certain advantages, it’s important to recognize when those advantages can work against you.

For example, a gibbous waning moon baby may be wise beyond their years, but they must also realize that not everyone learns at their same rate. Nor is everyone else as interested in educating themselves and growing from their experiences as they are. Waning gibbous moon children often come across as arrogant or pretentious, even if it’s not intentional.

The last quarter moon is steeped in nostalgia. And while it can be refreshing to walk down Memory Lane, it’s easy for waning moon individuals to stay there. You might feel like you’re living in the past too much and not present in the moment or looking forward to the future. You long for better days but may find it hard to grow or change.

For waning crescent moon babies, the deeply innate connections to spirituality can manifest as odd behaviours. You may never feel like you quite belong in any particular circle, and your mystical sense can put you out of others’ reach. Some may call you eccentric, while others may feel intimidated by you. Knowing this, your tribe will likely consist of people that were also born on a waning moon and can relate to weird, odd, or eccentric tendencies.

How to Know if You’re Born on a Waning Moon?

Could you have been born during one of the waning moon phases? Our easy-to-use moon calculator can help you discover what the birthday moon phase looked like on the night of your birth. Input your birthday, then watch as your custom moon map is created right before your eyes!

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Born on a New Moon: What Does It Mean?

Were you born on a new moon? Though the sky may have been darkened, your birth was a light in the world. And even though you likely don’t recall the blessed event or remember what the moon looked like on that day, it matters more than you might realise.

The moon’s phase can influence you throughout your life, affecting everything from personality traits to moods. This is why some people may act erratic during a full moon or why we may feel energized at certain times of the month over others. This is also true of the moon’s phase on your birthday, as it helps to set the tone for your life’s journey.

If you were born on a new moon, here’s what you need to know (and how you can find out if you were a New Moon baby!).

Invisible Moon, Strong Influence

Even though the new moon can’t easily be seen in the sky, make no mistake that it has a powerful effect on children born under its watch.

This is the phase of new beginnings, a fitting metaphor for a birth. During this phase, the moon and sun are perfectly aligned and help to establish a healthy balance early on in life. The energy in the air is low at this time because it’s considered a restorative period. Rest is critical to regeneration so you can hit the ground running full speed.

There might not be much to see in this night sky, but stealth serves in your favor. Nothing deters you, and everything has potential.

Personality Traits for New Moon Babies

New Moon Poster

If full moons are associated with chaos and conflict, then new moons are considered the exact opposite. It’s a symbol of life coming full circle, with one chapter closing as another is beginning. It’s a time for growth, birth, and exploration, a strong start to an unknown journey ahead.

The Good

To reflect this, those born under a new moon are often quite successful. Your heart and mind are in harmony, whereas most people experience war between the two. When you follow one, you automatically follow the other, too.

This beautiful balance extends to other aspects of your life, as well. It gives you confidence because you are in tune with what you want in life and won’t be deterred by darkness or uncertainty.

You take a forward-looking and forward-thinking approach to all things in life, keeping your eye on the horizon and rarely looking back. You’re often the first to try a new idea or visit a new place, which is why most people would consider you creative. You can usually tell whether you’re going to like something because you know what you want and expect from people and experiences. As a result, you’re also quick to take action because you’re certain about what you want in life.

The Bad

Optimism is your default, though sometimes to a fault. You maintain a curious nature even into adulthood and have no trouble seeing the best in every person and situation. This can sometimes work to your disadvantage, though, as it makes it difficult for others to see things on your level and could mean getting burned by people you trust.

It’s also worth mentioning that people born on a new moon enter the world when energies are low. Your motivation serves you well to take your ideas and run with them, but you may find that energy hard to sustain, especially when newer and shinier ideas pull your focus. It’s not uncommon for you to start a new project or carry out an idea, then soon abandon it or hand it off to someone else. This can turn into an endless cycle of unfinished projects and half-baked ideas, which can lead you to feelings of unfulfillment — a painful reality to live for someone who knows how they want their life to be.

The Brutal

The darkness of the night sky is directly reflected in new moon personalities in the form of a lack of self awareness. It’s hard for you to see the type of person you truly are and recognize your strengths and weaknesses. You may also struggle to see the type of person that other people are, too.

Some good news is that you can overcome some of this brutal reality by learning how to use the moon phases to your advantage. Take time for self-reflection during the Full Moon, then use the quarter moon phases for planning your next ambitions. These are the moments when self-doubt is highest, and this can help to ground some of your ideas into realistic terms.

How Do I Find Out if I Was Born on a New Moon?

Were you born on a new moon? Use our moon phase birthday print creator to input your birthday and location of birth to see what the moon looked like on the day you were born! you can order a printed moon phase poster or a moon pillow later.